Manuel Alejandro Cardenete
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Professor Cardenete is Professor of Economics at University Loyola (Spain), University Pablo de Olavide (Spain) (on leave) and Visiting Research Professor at Georgetown University. He was Vice-rector of Postgraduate Studies at University Loyola. Recently he has been Regional Minister of Education and Sport (2022) previously Deputy Minister at Vicepresidence-Regional Ministry of Tourism, Regeneration, Justice and Local Administration at Regional Government of Junta de Andalucia (Spain) (2019-2022) and Member of the Committee of the Regions at European Union (2019-2022).
Professor Cardenete obtained a B.S. in Economics and Business (1994) from the University of Seville (Spain), Ph. D. in Economics (2000) from the University of Huelva (Spain), and Diploma in Executive Management (2011) from San Telmo Business School (Spain). The topic of his dissertation was “Applied General Equilibrium Models for Andalusia”. Additionally, he is the Vice President of Sociedad Hispanoamericana Input-Output as well as an Academic in Academia Andaluza de Ciencia Regional. He is also the leader of research groups Applied & Computational Macroeconomics at University Loyola and CLIMAMODEL (Multisectoral Models and Climate Change) at Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain).