Manuel Alejandro Cardenete

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Professor Cardenete is Professor of Economics at University Loyola (Spain), University Pablo de Olavide (Spain) (on leave) and Visiting Research Professor at Georgetown University. He was Vice-rector of Postgraduate Studies at University Loyola. Recently he has been Regional Minister of Education and Sport (2022) previously Deputy Minister at Vicepresidence-Regional Ministry of Tourism, Regeneration, Justice and Local Administration at Regional Government of Junta de Andalucia (Spain) (2019-2022) and Member of the Committee of the Regions at European Union (2019-2022).

Professor Cardenete obtained a B.S. in Economics and Business (1994) from the University of Seville (Spain), Ph. D. in Economics (2000) from the University of Huelva (Spain), and Diploma in Executive Management (2011) from San Telmo Business School (Spain). The topic of his dissertation was “Applied General Equilibrium Models for Andalusia”. Additionally, he is the Vice President of Sociedad Hispanoamericana Input-Output as well as an Academic in Academia Andaluza de Ciencia Regional. He is also the leader of research groups Applied & Computational Macroeconomics at University Loyola and CLIMAMODEL (Multisectoral Models and Climate Change) at Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain).

Roberto Roson

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Graduated in Venice, Roberto Roson received a doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Umeå (Sweden). He has been “visiting fellow” at the Free University of Amsterdam, at the University of Warwick, at S.Francisco Xavier U. (Sucre, Bolivia), San Simon U. (Cochabamba, Bolivia), University of Barcelona, as well as at the World Bank (Washington) and at the Institute of Developing Economies – JETRO (Chiba, Japan). He is currently Professor at Ca’Foscari University, Venice.

Roson is affiliated with the GREEN Research Centre of Bocconi University in Milan, as well with the Department of Economics of Loyola Andalusia University, where he participates in the research group «Applied and Computational Macroeconomics». He is the author of several articles published in books and international scientific journals, and coordinator of several applied research projects, including the European FP7 project WASSERMed. He has been consultant for several organizations, including: European Commission (JRC), World Bank, GIZ, United Nations ECLAC and FAO. Roson in Scientific Director of the «CF Applied Economics» Research Centre. His research interests deal primarily with environmental economics, computable models for economic policy simulation and with the industrial organization of service industries.

María del Carmen Delgado

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Dr. M. Carmen Delgado, is Head of Department of Economics and Associate Professor of Economics at University Loyola Andalucía. She obtained the B.S. in Economics (2009) from University of Granada (Spain), Master in Economics and Public Policy (2010) and Ph. D in Economics (2013) from University Pablo de Olavide of Seville (Spain). The topic of her dissertation was «Estimación del Impacto de los Fondos Europeos en Andalucía a través de Modelos de Equilibrio General: 2000-2020», which was Extraordinary Doctorate Awards from University Pablo de Olavide of Seville 2012-2013.

She belongs to the Executive Committee of the Spanish and Andalusian Regional Science being director of the editorial board of the blog “La Riqueza de las Regiones”. In addition, she is researcher group in Applied and Computational Macroeconomics (Universidad Loyola Andalucía) and CLIMAMODEL SEJ-511 (research group in Multisectoral Models Applied for Climate Change).

She has been researcher at European Commission (Joint Research Centre -Institute for Prospective Technological Studies) (2012). Moreover, she has been also Visiting Research Scholar of University of Strathclyde of Glasgow and El Colegio de México.

Luz Dary Beltrán

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Dr. L. Dary Beltran Jaimes is an Assistant Professor at Loyola University (Spain) and a member of the research groups Junta de Andalucía CLIMAMODEL SEJ-511 (Multisectoral Models for Climate Change) at Regional Government of Andalusia and Applied & Computational Macroeconomics at Loyola University. Dr. Beltran obtained a PhD in Economics (2019) from Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico) and won the award for the Best Doctoral Thesis at the national level from IPN (Mexico) in the area of Social Sciences.

She is also a member of the National System of Researchers of CONACYT (Mexico) and qualified as a “Profesor Contratado Doctor” by ANECA (Spain). She has been head of the Department of Technological Intelligence Studies for Industry and the Department of Technology and Innovation of the IPN’s Directorate of Prospective and Technological Intelligence and a professor at the School of Economics in the area of Microeconomics and Quantitative Methods in Mexico. Dr. Beltrán has published several scientific articles on applied economics: multisectoral models and CGE; she has also participated in several research projects related to wages, poverty, gender equity, and public policies, as well as in consultancies to analyze the economic impacts of investment projects in specific productive sectors at the regional and national level.

Paula Villegas

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Paula Villegas is Assistant Research of Economics at University Loyola (Spain). She was Auditor at EY (2016-2019). Recently, she has been Advisor at Vicepresidence-Regional Ministry of Tourism, Regeneration, Justice and Local Administration at Regional Government of Junta de Andalucia (Spain) (2019-2022) and Assistant Member of the Committee of the Regions at European Union (2019-2022).

She obtained a double graduate in Law and Finance and Accounting (2017) from the University of Pablo de Olavide (Spain), a Master in Research Methods Applied to Social Sciences (2020) from the Loyola University (Spain) and PhD. Candidate in Sustainable and inclusive Development (2020-actual) from the Loyola University (Spain). Paula Villegas is a member of two research groups: Applied & Computational Macroeconomics at University Loyola and CLIMAMODEL SEJ-511 (Multisectoral Models and Climate Change) at Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain). His research focuses on computable models combine with experimental methodology for economic policy simulation about tourism and environmental economics.

María Pilar Campoy

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Pilar Campoy- Muñoz is Associate Professor of Economics at University Loyola Andalucía (Spain). She obtained a B.S. in Business Administration (2005), a M.Sc in Research Methods in Economics and Business Administration (2011) and Ph. D. in Business and Economics (2013) from the University of Cordoba (Spain).

She has been a Senior Research Support Officer in a project of the Pablo de Olavide University (2007-2009) developing the system of indicators for the evaluation of the Economic Plan Andalucía S. XXI. After working in private companies, she joined Loyola Andalucía University in 2011 (until 2012 as ETEA- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration- Centre attached to the University of Cordoba). She has also carried out research stays at the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory of the University of Illinois (USA) in 2015, to improve her knowledge of multisectoral modelling, and at the Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health of the New University of Lisbon (Portugal) in 2017, in the framework of the REFINEMENT-ESPAÑA project, funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and at the Australian National University (Australia) in the framework of the Jose Castillejo mobility grant. She is currently participating as a researcher in the project «. Atlas de Adicciones de España» project, she is Co-PI of the project «Estimation of the economic and social impact of common mental disorders in Spain», funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and researcher in the project «Evaluation of the relative technical efficiency of small health areas in mental health in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Mental Health)», funded by the Junta de Andalucía. She is also the member of research groups Applied & Computational Macroeconomics, and Loyola Health at University Loyola, and CLIMAMODEL (Multisectoral Models and Climate Change) at Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain).

Alfredo J. Mainar

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Alfredo J. Mainar Causapé is Associate Professor at the University of Seville. He has been a Research Fellow at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (2014-2020), and is currently a World Bank consultant since 2020, in addition to participating in consulting projects for the UNFCCC.

Alfredo Mainar has a degree and a PhD in Economics and Business from the University of Zaragoza. He has also been Assistant Professor at the University of Zaragoza and Visiting Professor at University Pablo de Olavide, as well as a market consultant at various consultancies and a freelance economist. His main field of research is the development of Input-output tables and Social Accounting Matrices, as well as their analytical exploitation.

Patricia Fuentes

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Patricia Fuentes Saguar is Associate Professor at the University Pablo de Olavide. She has participated as a researcher in numerous projects and consolidated groups and currently leads as IP the granted project BIOCLIMATABLES, as part of European AXIS-Eranet project BIOCLIMAPATHS.

Patricia Fuentes has a degree and a PhD (with Special Mention) in Economics from the University of Seville. She has been Assistant Professor at University of Seville and invited researcher at University of Zaragoza, and she has carried out consultancy projects and impact analysis. Her more significant research field are multisectoral and CGE models, estimation and exploitation of Input-output tables and Social Accounting Matrices.

Roberto López Cabaco

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Roberto López Cabaco, Ph.D., is Associate Professor at the Engineering School of Seville (Seville University, Spain). He also develops his professional activity as aeronautical engineer at Airbus Defence & Space in Seville (Spain).

Dr. López obtained a M.S. in Aerospace Engineering (1999) from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain), Diploma in Management of Logistic Resources from CESEDEN (Spain) and Diploma in Executive Management (2006) from EOI Business School (Spain). He also obtained a M.S. in Economics (2012) from the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville (Spain) and Ph.D. in Economics (2016) from the Pablo de Olavide University (Spain). The topic of his dissertation was “Economic Impact of Different Modes of Transport in Andalusia”.